
Is it possible to make system call in Objective-C?

I have the following code:

if (!system("ls -l")) {
    NSLog(@"Successfully executed"); 
} else {
      NSLog(@"Error while executing the command"); 

How to get the output?


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This is a perfect candidate for using -[NSFileManager contentsOfDirectoryAtPath:error:] instead of wrapping a built-in shell function and parsing the output. For general-purpose commands where you need the output — and where there is no equivalent functionality "for free" in Cocoa (it just takes time to learn the available APIs) — NSTask is generally a far better alternative than system().


You should use NSTask. If you just need the results of ls, there are more appropriate filesystem wrappers in Cocoa.

If you like to do it the C way you can use popen. This can be used to read the output also. But the answers about using Objective-C solutions are probably the better ones.

Objective-C does not prevent a program to invoque system() or any of its equivalents.

CocoaTouch does.

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