
I am trying to implement scalable wcf solution found at NetFX Harmonics: Creating Streamlined, Simplified, yet Scalable WCF Connectivity

So my solution have 4 projects

  • Contact.Service (Service and Data Contracts)
  • Contact.ServiceImpl (HostFactory and Service itself)
  • Contact.ServiceHost (Web.config and Person.svc)
  • Contact.ServiceClient

Contact.ServiceClient have App.config and Program.cs which actually call service.


    <add key="PersonServiceActiveEndpoint" value="PersonServiceBasicHttpBinding" />
      <endpoint name="PersonServiceBasicHttpBinding"
                contract="Contact.Service.IPersonService" />


  BasicHttpBinding basicHttpBinding = new BasicHttpBinding();
            EndpointAddress endpointAddress = new EndpointAddress("http://localhost:1031/Person.svc");
            IPersonService personService = new ChannelFactory<IPersonService>(basicHttpBinding, endpointAddress).CreateChannel();

            Person person = personService.GetPersonData("F488D20B-FC27-4631-9FB9-83AF616AB5A6");

When I try running this example exception is thrown:

There was no endpoint listening at http://localhost:1031/Person.svc that could accept the message. This is often caused by an incorrect address or SOAP action.

P.S. Person.svc is in my Contact.ServiceHost project

<%@ ServiceHost Service="Contact.Service.PersonService" %>

No correct solution

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