
So for a homework assignment I am supposed to play with several threading mechanisms using a simple integration of a function that should result in pi. The implementation is supposed to handle an interval of over 500 Billion. My current implementation handles the for loop up to about 50 million on a heap size of 2GB. Now my question is why does the implementation use so much memory? (I think its because the range has to be made in advance, is this true?) And how do I improve memory use? Is it possible to do with parallel collections or am I forced to use a thread pool for something like this?

Note: I will get full credit with the following implementation. It is for my intellectual curiosity and my dream of becoming more fluent in scala.

import scala.Math

object Pi {
 def calculate_pi(interval: Int): Double = {
    val start: Long = System.currentTimeMillis;
    var duration: Long = 0
    var x: Double = 2.0/interval
    var y: Double = 0.0
    var mypi: Double = 0.0

    (x until 1.0 by 1.0/interval).par.foreach(i => {
       y = 4.0/(1.0+x*x)
       mypi += (1.0/interval)*y

   duration = (System.currentTimeMillis - start)
   println("scala calculate_pi\t" + interval + "\t" + duration + "ms\t" + mypi)
   return mypi

object Main extends App {
  println("Please input the interval for the calculation")
  if(args.length < 1) { sys.exit }
  val interval = args(0).toInt 
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This is all kinds of wrong:

(x until 1.0 by 1.0/interval).par.foreach(i => {
   y = 4.0/(1.0+x*x)
   mypi += (1.0/interval)*y

The first problem is that all computations of y are identical: you are not using i while computing it. Since x doesn't change, all threads compute the same value.

And here's the second problem, you are computing mypi (and y) in parallel. That means multiple threads are reading and and writing both mypi and y at the same time.

Let's consider one execution to understand the problem in that. Let's say the first thread starts running, computes y and then reads y and mypi. That thread then pauses, and all the other threads run. Finally, that thread resumes and writes the result of its computation to mypi. In this case, all the computations of all the others threads are wasted, because the final value was given by that one thread.

That was a simple case. Basically, you cannot predict at all what will happen for each of those read and writes to mypi (y is easier, since all threads assign the same value to it).

And, yes, when you call .par on a NumericRange, it creates a collection with all values of that NumericRange.


Not knowing the underlying application, I have learned by experiments that if you use the method par on Range (for instance) it is instantiated in advance, as you pointed out.

However it looks like you are only using the collections to take advantage of the parallelization. In other words to calculate a piece of code which is somewhat unrelated to the collection itself - the value i is not even being used. The foreach loop is thus pretty much redundant since you are only interested is an y and x value. It might seem like a large amount of work for something a simple for-loop could accomplish.

That said other types of parallelization is pretty easy in scala. What about using actors? They're lightweight and extremely simple. Otherwise worker threads or maybe even Java threads might do the trick.

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