
Could someone recommend me of a good Tween library for AS3 (for use with Flash, not Flex)

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Tween Lite is supposed to be good; My good-at-flash-friends recommanded it to me. What I found useful that it provided a little flash-app for trying out the different tweens and generating the code snippet for the choosen tween in the same time.


Here's a short list of tween libraries I'm quite familiar with:

And, here's a link to a nice comparison of a suite of different libraries for both AS2 and AS3:

Ultimately, it's going to come down to which syntax you prefer and which one you're most comfortable with. I suggest you look a few of them over, pick one or two and code up an easy comparison to see for yourself...

Good luck!

I've always found greensock so easy to fall into - it gives you a great script generator with a list of all it can do.

I wrote one called KitchenSync. It's excellent if I may say so.

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