
Please, help me to create a nested struct with an array. How do I fix this code?

class CMain

            CCheckSum() : BufferSize(500) {memset(Buffer, 0, BufferSize);}
            const int BufferSize;
            char Buffer[BufferSize];


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Static arrays need to know their length at compile time, or you need to dynamically allocate memory:

struct CCheckSum
    : BufferSize(500),
      Buffer(new char[BufferSize])
        memset(Buffer, 0, BufferSize);
    ~CCheckSum() { delete[] Buffer; } // Note the use of delete[]!
    const int BufferSize;
    char* Buffer;

You're probably better off using std::vector though:

struct CCheckSum
    CCheckSum() : Buffer(500, 0) {}
    std::vector<char> Buffer;  // A std::vector keeps
                               // track of its size enternally


Even though you declared BufferSize as const, at class scope this does not declare a compile-time constant, which is needed for declaring array sizes in C++, but a constant data member, which, once set in the constructor, cannot be changed anymore for the lifetime of the instance (but can still be different for each instance).

Two solutions: Make

  1. BufferSize static const at class scope, or
  2. (just) const at namespace scope (including global scope).

There is no problem related to the nesting.

Arrays have constant size. Either make BufferSize constant or use a std::vector instead of a char[].

Array size cannot be changed at run time. It should be known at compile time itself. You can use std::vector for this use case. Also, the struct name should be given before writing the constructor with the name CCheckSum.

struct CCheckSum
            CCheckSum() : ....
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