
I have 6 columns in my domain class. But i only see 5 columns on the controller list when scaffold is set to true. My database is mySql. When executed table is created with correct number of columns My domain class

class RouteDesc {
String routenumber
String routeoperator
String routeinstructions
Date validfrom
Date validto
String weekendavailablity

static constraints = {
    routenumber blank:false, unique:true,  display:true
    routeoperator blank:false,  display:true
    routeinstructions blank:true,  display:true
    validfrom display:true
    validto display:true
    weekendavailablity display:true
//static belongs to = RouteId

String toString () {
    return routenumber

My Controller class

class RouteDescController {

  static scaffold = true
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Solution 2

One more addition to what Jarred Olson suggested

props.eachWithIndex { p, i ->
  if (i < 6) {


Also change

<td><g:link action="show" id="\${${propertyName}.id}">\${fieldValue(bean: ${propertyName}, field: "${}")}</g:link></td>
                    <%      } else if (i < 6) {
                                if (p.type == Boolean.class || p.type == boolean.class) { %>
                        <td><g:formatBoolean boolean="\${${propertyName}.${}}" />


The default scaffolding list page limits the number of columns to 6 (since eachWithIndex is zero based) and 1 of them will be used for the ID column so only 5 attributes will show. If you'd like to change this you can install templates via grails install-templates which (in Grails 2.0) will place the templates under src/templates/scaffolding/. The template you'd need to update is the list.gsp about half way down there is the following code:

props.eachWithIndex { p, i ->
    if (i < 6) {

You'd need to change that 6 to whatever you want it to be. As a side note the order that fields appear through scaffolding can be controlled by the order in which they are defined in the constraints (

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