
I have a many to many index table, and I want to do an include/exclude type query on it.

fid is really a integer index, but here as letters for easier understanding. Here's a sample table :

table t

eid | fid
1   | A
1   | B
1   | C
2   | B
2   | C
3   | A
3   | C
4   | A
4   | B
5   | B

Here are some sample queries I want.

  1. What eids have fid B, and NOT A? (Answer eid 2 and 5)
  2. What eids have fid C, and NOT A? (Answer eid 2)

I can't seem to figure out a query that will do this.

I've tried a self join like this:

select * 
from t as t1 
join t as t2 
where t1.eid=t2.eid 
  and t1.fid!=t2.fid 
  and t1.fid=B and t2.fid!=A

That won't work, because it will still return rows where eid=1 and fid=C.

Am I clear on what I want?

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Here's an example of a query for 1 (2 works much the same)

select t1.eid
  from t t1
 where t1.fid  = 'B'
   and not exists
       (select 1
          from t t2
         where t2.eid = t1.eid
           and t2.fid  = 'A')


Use set subtraction

Select eid from t where fid = 'B' 
select eid from t where fid = 'A'

You can use a sub-select

select eid from t where fid = 'C' and eid not in (select eid from t where fid = 'A')

MySQL 5.0 supports the where exists/where not exists, as described by Nigel and Mike.

Version with straight joins that may be faster than using EXISTS:

Select  t1.eid
From    #test t1
        left join (
            Select  eid
            From    #test t2 
            Where   fid = 'A'
            Group by eid
        ) t2 on t2.eid = t1.eid 
Where   t1.fid = 'B'
        and t2.eid is null

It should be possible to do this without using a subquery:

FROM table1 AS t1
  LEFT JOIN table1 AS t2 ON (t1.eid = t2.eid AND t2.fid = 'A')
  AND t1.fid = 'B';

To do your second example search, just change the value 'B' to 'C'.

Look into the MINUS operator. It works like UNION, except that it subtracts where UNION adds. The previous answer with the word "EXCEPT" may be a different keyword for the same thing.

Here's an untested answer:

select eid 
from t
where fid = 'A'
select eid
from t
where fid = 'B'
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