
I have three ul like this :

<ul id="column3" class="column" runat="server"> </ul>

<ul id="column4" class="column" runat="server"> </ul>

<ul id="column5" class="column" runat="server"> </ul>

I wanna to add listitems to them randomly:

 HtmlGenericControl listItem1 = new HtmlGenericControl("li");
 listItem1.Attributes.Add("class", colors[RandString.Next(0, colors.Length -1)]);
 column3.Controls.Add(listItem1); //here  i wanna to randomize the ul(column3,column4,column5) like i do with the colors

How to do something like that .

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You could put those ul in an array

var uls = new[] { column3, column4, column5 };

and then pick a random one:

var ul = uls[random.Next(0, uls.Length)];

Notice that you don't need uls.Length - 1 because the upper bound is exclusive in the Next method.


If you mean randomize the ul's content, you could simply use the color's int value as the random definition.

var lists = new [] { column3, column4, column5 };
Random rand = new Random();
for ( int n = 0; n < 10; n++ )
   HtmlGenericControl listItem1 = new HtmlGenericControl("li");
   listItem1.Attributes.Add("class", colors[RandString.Next(0, colors.Length -1)]);
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