

function main()
    printf("Hello World");
    return 0;


Error on line 2? Dunno what I'm doing wrong.

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As others have said, your code looks like C code inside a PHP tag. Here is the PHP equivalent of what you're trying to do:

printf("Hello World");    

However, if you actually did need the main() function, it would look like this:

function main()
    printf("Hello World");
    return 0;
$returnValue = main();


This would have the result of echoing the string "Hello World" and setting $returnValue to 0.


It's likely C, not PHP. Try

    echo "Hello World";

The include() statement includes and evaluates the specified file.

So, PHP will try to parse the contents inside stdio.h and since this is likely full of C Code, there will be errors, because that is not what PHP expects to find in there.

Check the PHP Manual for further reference.

Line 2 is include("stdio.h");. This is unnecessary.

PHP isn't C. There is no stdio.h, nor is there printf. (But echo is usually used if not formatting.)

   echo "Hello World";

The correct PHP equivalent of that pseudo-C program is:

Hello World

Note: no <?php opening tags required.

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