
Been investigating for a while now and keep hitting a brick wall. I am importing from xls files into temp tables via the OpenRowset command. Now I have a problem where I’m trying to import a certain column has a range values but the most common are the following. Columns structured as long numbers i.e. 15598 and the some columns as strings i.e. 15598-E.

Now the openrowset is reading the string version no problem but is reporting the number version as a NULL. I read ( ) that openrowset has that issue and the author speaks of implementing “HDR=YES;IMEX=1” into the query string but that’s not working for me at all.

Have any of you guys every encountered this?

Just some more info as well. I may not do this with the JET engine (Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0) so this is what my query looks like:

                , 'Driver=Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls);HDR=YES;IMEX=1;DBQ=C:\ImportFile.xls;'
            , 'SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$]')
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I notice you are using the Excel ODBC driver. Have you tried the JET OLEDB Provider with the equivalent connection string?

select * from openrowset(
    'Data Source=C:\ImportFile.xls;Extended Properties="Excel 8.0;HDR=Yes;IMEX=1"',
    'SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$]')

EDIT: Sorry, just noticed your last paragraph. Surely the Excel ODBC driver still goes via the JET engine, so what difference would it make?

EDIT: I have looked at the KB194124 link, and the registry values it recommends are the default values on my machine, which I have never changed. I have used the above method several times myself without problems. Maybe it's an environmental issue?


If you don't mind opening the file in Excel, take the columns that have the problem, select the column, and do

Data -> Text to Columns -> Next -> Next -> Text

Save the spreadsheet and they should all come in as Text in OPENROWSET

I've found using .CSV files instead of Excel, opened by setting up a Linked Server, and setting up the format of the files in schema.ini a more practical approach for handling imports like this, with that method you can explicitly choose each column's format.

We've come across the same issue. Unfortunately we've not found a solution either. There's more information here which indicates that there might be a registry fix.

I had the same problem. I fixed it cuting and pasting a row that contains a column with the string/numeric value (for example 123ABC) in the first row position of the sheet. For some reason T-SQL reads the first row and assumes that all the values are numeric.

Response by SqlACID in this link worked great [] :-

If you don't mind opening the file in Excel, take the columns that have the problem, select the column, and do

Data -> Text to Columns -> Next -> Next -> Text

Save the spreadsheet and they should all come in as Text in OPENROWSET

I've found using .CSV files instead of Excel, opened by setting up a Linked Server, and setting up the format of the files in schema.ini a more practical approach for handling imports like this, with that method you can explicitly choose each column's format.

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