
I'm trying to find a way to pretty print a JavaScript data structure in a human-readable form for debugging.

I have a rather big and complicated data structure being stored in JS and I need to write some code to manipulate it. In order to work out what I'm doing and where I'm going wrong, what I really need is to be able to see the data structure in its entirety, and update it whenever I make changes through the UI.

All of this stuff I can handle myself, apart from finding a nice way to dump a JavaScript data structure to a human-readable string. JSON would do, but it really needs to be nicely formatted and indented. I'd usually use Firebug's excellent DOM dumping stuff for this, but I really need to be able to see the entire structure at once, which doesn't seem to be possible in Firebug.

Any suggestions are welcome.

Thanks in advance.

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I wrote a function to dump a JS object in a readable form, although the output isn't indented, but it shouldn't be too hard to add that: I made this function from one I made for Lua (which is much more complex) which handled this indentation issue.

Here is the "simple" version:

function DumpObject(obj)
  var od = new Object;
  var result = "";
  var len = 0;

  for (var property in obj)
    var value = obj[property];
    if (typeof value == 'string')
      value = "'" + value + "'";
    else if (typeof value == 'object')
      if (value instanceof Array)
        value = "[ " + value + " ]";
        var ood = DumpObject(value);
        value = "{ " + ood.dump + " }";
    result += "'" + property + "' : " + value + ", ";
  od.dump = result.replace(/, $/, "");
  od.len = len;

  return od;

I will look at improving it a bit.
Note 1: To use it, do od = DumpObject(something) and use od.dump. Convoluted because I wanted the len value too (number of items) for another purpose. It is trivial to make the function return only the string.
Note 2: it doesn't handle loops in references.


I made the indented version.

function DumpObjectIndented(obj, indent)
  var result = "";
  if (indent == null) indent = "";

  for (var property in obj)
    var value = obj[property];
    if (typeof value == 'string')
      value = "'" + value + "'";
    else if (typeof value == 'object')
      if (value instanceof Array)
        // Just let JS convert the Array to a string!
        value = "[ " + value + " ]";
        // Recursive dump
        // (replace "  " by "\t" or something else if you prefer)
        var od = DumpObjectIndented(value, indent + "  ");
        // If you like { on the same line as the key
        //value = "{\n" + od + "\n" + indent + "}";
        // If you prefer { and } to be aligned
        value = "\n" + indent + "{\n" + od + "\n" + indent + "}";
    result += indent + "'" + property + "' : " + value + ",\n";
  return result.replace(/,\n$/, "");

Choose your indentation on the line with the recursive call, and you brace style by switching the commented line after this one.

... I see you whipped up your own version, which is good. Visitors will have a choice.


Use Crockford's JSON.stringify like this:

var myArray = ['e', {pluribus: 'unum'}];
var text = JSON.stringify(myArray, null, '\t'); //you can specify a number instead of '\t' and that many spaces will be used for indentation...

Variable text would look like this:

      "pluribus": "unum"

By the way, this requires nothing more than that JS file - it will work with any library, etc.

You can use the following

<pre id="dump"></pre>
   var dump = JSON.stringify(sampleJsonObject, null, 4); 

In Firebug, if you just console.debug ("%o", my_object) you can click on it in the console and enter an interactive object explorer. It shows the entire object, and lets you expand nested objects.

For Node.js, use:

util.inspect(object, [options]);

API Documentation

For those looking for an awesome way to see your object, check prettyPrint.js

Creates a table with configurable view options to be printed somewhere on your doc. Better to look than in the console.

var tbl = prettyPrint( myObject, { /* options such as maxDepth, etc. */ });

enter image description here

I'm programming in Rhino and I wasn't satisfied with any of the answers that were posted here. So I've written my own pretty printer:

function pp(object, depth, embedded) { 
  typeof(depth) == "number" || (depth = 0)
  typeof(embedded) == "boolean" || (embedded = false)
  var newline = false
  var spacer = function(depth) { var spaces = ""; for (var i=0;i<depth;i++) { spaces += "  "}; return spaces }
  var pretty = ""
  if (      typeof(object) == "undefined" ) { pretty += "undefined" }
  else if ( typeof(object) == "boolean" || 
            typeof(object) == "number" ) {    pretty += object.toString() } 
  else if ( typeof(object) == "string" ) {    pretty += "\"" + object + "\"" } 
  else if (        object  == null) {         pretty += "null" } 
  else if ( object instanceof(Array) ) {
    if ( object.length > 0 ) {
      if (embedded) { newline = true }
      var content = ""
      for each (var item in object) { content += pp(item, depth+1) + ",\n" + spacer(depth+1) }
      content = content.replace(/,\n\s*$/, "").replace(/^\s*/,"")
      pretty += "[ " + content + "\n" + spacer(depth) + "]"
    } else { pretty += "[]" }
  else if (typeof(object) == "object") {
    if ( Object.keys(object).length > 0 ){
      if (embedded) { newline = true }
      var content = ""
      for (var key in object) { 
        content += spacer(depth + 1) + key.toString() + ": " + pp(object[key], depth+2, true) + ",\n" 
      content = content.replace(/,\n\s*$/, "").replace(/^\s*/,"")
      pretty += "{ " + content + "\n" + spacer(depth) + "}"
    } else { pretty += "{}"}
  else { pretty += object.toString() }
  return ((newline ? "\n" + spacer(depth) : "") + pretty)

The output looks like this:

js> pp({foo:"bar", baz: 1})
{ foo: "bar",
  baz: 1
js> var taco
js> pp({foo:"bar", baz: [1,"taco",{"blarg": "moo", "mine": "craft"}, null, taco, {}], bleep: {a:null, b:taco, c: []}})
{ foo: "bar",
    [ 1,
      { blarg: "moo",
        mine: "craft"
    { a: null,
      b: undefined,
      c: []

I've also posted it as a Gist here for whatever future changes may be required.


    { a : 5, '1' : 'foo' },
    new RegExp('x(.*?)z','ig'),
    function fn( x, y, z ){
        return x + y; 
    new Date(),


      "1": "foo",
      "a": 5
   function alert( a ){
   function fn( a, b, c ){
   "Fri Feb 19 2010 00:49:45 GMT+0300 (MSK)",
   <body id="body" class="node"></body>,
   <div id="links">

QUnit (Unit-testing framework used by jQuery) using slightly patched version of jsDump.

JSON.stringify() is not best choice on some cases.

JSON.stringify({f:function(){}}) // "{}"
JSON.stringify(document.body)    // TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON

Taking PhiLho's lead (thanks very much :)), I ended up writing my own as I couldn't quite get his to do what I wanted. It's pretty rough and ready, but it does the job I need. Thank you all for the excellent suggestions.

It's not brilliant code, I know, but for what it's worth, here it is. Someone might find it useful:

// Usage: dump(object)
function dump(object, pad){
    var indent = '\t'
    if (!pad) pad = ''
    var out = ''
    if (object.constructor == Array){
        out += '[\n'
        for (var i=0; i<object.length; i++){
            out += pad + indent + dump(object[i], pad + indent) + '\n'
        out += pad + ']'
    }else if (object.constructor == Object){
        out += '{\n'
        for (var i in object){
            out += pad + indent + i + ': ' + dump(object[i], pad + indent) + '\n'
        out += pad + '}'
        out += object
    return out

This is really just a comment on Jason Bunting's "Use Crockford's JSON.stringify", but I wasn't able to add a comment to that answer.

As noted in the comments, JSON.stringify doesn't play well with the Prototype ( library. However, it is fairly easy to make them play well together by temporarily removing the Array.prototype.toJSON method that prototype adds, run Crockford's stringify(), then put it back like this:

  var temp = Array.prototype.toJSON;
  delete Array.prototype.toJSON;
  $('result').value += JSON.stringify(profile_base, null, 2);
  Array.prototype.toJSON = temp;

I thought J. Buntings response on using JSON.stringify was good as well. A an aside, you can use JSON.stringify via YUIs JSON object if you happen to be using YUI. In my case I needed to dump to HTML so it was easier to just tweak/cut/paste PhiLho response.

function dumpObject(obj, indent) 
  var CR = "<br />", SPC = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;", result = "";
  if (indent == null) indent = "";

  for (var property in obj)
    var value = obj[property];

    if (typeof value == 'string')
      value = "'" + value + "'";
    else if (typeof value == 'object')
      if (value instanceof Array)
        // Just let JS convert the Array to a string!
        value = "[ " + value + " ]";
        var od = dumpObject(value, indent + SPC);
        value = CR + indent + "{" + CR + od + CR + indent + "}";
    result += indent + "'" + property + "' : " + value + "," + CR;
  return result;

Lots of people writing code in this thread, with many comments about various gotchas. I liked this solution because it seemed complete and was a single file with no dependencies.



It worked "out of the box" and has both node and browser versions (presumably just different wrappers but I didn't dig to confirm).

The library also supports pretty printing XML, SQL and CSS, but I haven't tried those features.

A simple one for printing the elements as strings:

var s = "";
var len = array.length;
var lenMinus1 = len - 1
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
   s += array[i];
   if(i < lenMinus1)  {
      s += ", ";

My NeatJSON library has both Ruby and JavaScript versions. It is freely available under a (permissive) MIT License. You can view an online demo/converter at:

Some features (all optional):

  • Wrap to a specific width; if an object or array can fit on the line, it is kept on one line.
  • Align the colons for all keys in an object.
  • Sort the keys to an object alphabetically.
  • Format floating point numbers to a specific number of decimals.
  • When wrapping, use a 'short' version that puts the open/close brackets for arrays and objects on the same line as the first/last value.
  • Control the whitespace for arrays and objects in a granular manner (inside brackets, before/after colons and commas).
  • Works in the web browser and as a Node.js module.

flexjson includes a prettyPrint() function that might give you what you want.

Licensed under: CC-BY-SA with attribution
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