
when compiling this in ml64.exe 64bit (masm64) the SSE command give me an error what do i need to do to include the SSE commands in 64 bit?


foo PROC

  movlps [rdx], xmm7 ;;error A2070: invalid instruction operands
  movhlps xmm6, xmm7
  movss [rdx+8], xmm6 ;;rror A2070: invalid instruction operands

foo ENDP


i get the error:

1>Performing Custom Build Step
1> Assembling: extasm.asm
1>extasm.asm(6) : error A2070: invalid instruction operands
1>extasm.asm(10) : error A2070: invalid instruction operands
1>Microsoft (R) Macro Assembler (x64) Version 8.00.50727.215
1>Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
1>Project : error PRJ0019: A tool returned an error code from "Performing Custom Build Step"
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So modify the two lines to:

movlps QWORD PTR[rdx], xmm7

movss dword ptr [rdx+8], xmm6

like here:

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