
What would you suggest would be the best operating system for a web server? If possible please enumerate the advantages and disadvantages if there are any...

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Use an operating system you have an admin for. A mainstream flavour of linux is a great choice for stability but if no-one knows how to look after it it's a bad idea. The same goes for any other platform you can name.


If the language is PHP, then go with a Linux system. Windows supports it also, but it seams to me that Linux is what most people use for PHP, and therefore there is more documentation to set up a decent Linux server with PHP.

I have no idea was distribution of Linux to use though, but im sure someone do :)

Its really depends of the function of the webserver? What services should it provide? Should there be a homepage, and what language should that be in etc.

I would say CentOS - famous for it's stability. I used to work as admin for a hosting provider - we used it and never had problems with it.

Either linux or Windows will do the job fine. If you're doing this for yourself then linux is an easier route cause there are many free options. If you're asking on behalf of a company who doesn't mind paying for things then it really depends on what the employees have experience in.

Personally, I prefer Solaris or a BSD for stability. However, both Linux and Windows are easier to operate and offer many more standard features with only slightly less reliability.

Go with what you know best and you'll get the best results.

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