
I have a table with two columns: attribute and value! Attribute is an enum. Now I set a cell renderer for the enum class (should be displayed in lowercase).

The problem is: the table never call the renderer!

Enum (just an example):

public enum Attribute {

Cell Renderer:

public class AttributeTableCellRenderer
        AbstractTableCellRenderer<Attribute> {  
    protected Object getText(Attribute attribute) {
        if (null == attribute) {
            return null;
        return attribute.toLowerCase();

Table (just an example):

// table model
Vector<Object> v;
Vector<String> header = new Vector<String>(Arrays.asList("attribute", "values"));
Vector<Vector<?>> data = new Vector<Vector<?>>();
// fill with data
for (final Attribute attribute : Attribute.values()) {
  v = new Vector<Object>();
TableModel tm = new DefaultTableModel(data, header);
JTable table = new JTable(tm);
table.setDefaultRenderer(String.class, new DefaultTableCellRenderer());
table.setDefaultRenderer(Attribute.class, new AttributeTableCellRenderer());
// will work
//table.setDefaultRenderer(Object.class, new AttributeTableCellRenderer());
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You need to supply your own implementation of AbstractTableModel which implements getColumnClass(int c) and returns the class of the column.

Background: The table implementation doesn't try to map the value of each cell to a renderer but instead it asks the model for the class of the whole column.

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