
I have been struggling for days finding .NET Tree Data Structure, I have read many recomendation using C5 library, but I have yet find example for it.

Basic Tree

I have read C5 documentation but didn't find example for it (I admit I haven't read all documentation page).

Edit: I need a Tree with basic functionality like search from parent to child node and vice versa.

Was it helpful?


If you only need the most basic functionality, then build your own data structure.

I did a quick implementation of a basic tree (directional edges and not necessarily binary tree), assuming you have a fixed root node. I also added methods for searching depth first and breadth first.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace TreeTest
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Build example tree
            Tree tree = new Tree();
            Node a = new Node(2);
            Node b = new Node(7);
            Node c = new Node(2);
            Node d = new Node(6);
            Node e = new Node(5);
            Node f = new Node(11);
            Node g = new Node(5);
            Node h = new Node(9);
            Node i = new Node(4);

            tree.rootNode = a;

            //Find node scannin tree from top down
            Node node = tree.FindByValueBreadthFirst(6);
            Console.WriteLine(node != null ? "Found node" : "Did not find node");

            //Find node scanning tree branch for branch.
            node = tree.FindByValueDepthFirst(2);
            Console.WriteLine(node != null ? "Found node" : "Did not find node");

            Console.WriteLine("PRESS ANY KEY TO EXIT");
    class Tree
        public Node rootNode;
        public Node FindByValueDepthFirst(int val)
            return rootNode.FindRecursiveDepthFirst(val);
        public Node FindByValueBreadthFirst(int val)
            if (rootNode.Value == val)
                return rootNode;
                return rootNode.FindRecursiveBreadthFirst(val);
    class Node
        public int Value { get; set; }
        public IList<Node> Edges { get; set; }
        public Node(int val)
            Value = val;
            Edges = new List<Node>(2);
        public Node FindRecursiveBreadthFirst(int val)
            foreach (Node node in Edges)
                if (node.Value == val)
                    return node;
            foreach (Node node in Edges)
                Node result = node.FindRecursiveBreadthFirst(val);
                if (result != null)
                    return result;
            return null;
        public Node FindRecursiveDepthFirst(int val)
            if (Value == val)
                return this;
                foreach (Node node in Edges)
                    Node result = node.FindRecursiveDepthFirst(val);
                    if (result != null)
                        return result;
                return null;


If you need only tree datastructure, just define yours. (will loose less time)

public abstract class NodeAbstract
   abstract NodeAbstract Left {get;set:}
   abstract NodeAbstract Right {get;set:}

public class NodeConcrete : NodeAbstract

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