
I'm not really sure where my problem is but the scenario is as follows. I have a universal app set to a deployment target of 3.2 and Base SDK iOS 5.0. The project was created in Xcode 4.2.

I have set my Architectures to include both armv6 and armv7 for "Debug" and "Release"

"Build Active Architecture Only" is set to "No"

While developing my app, I encountered a strange bug where my x and y values would not output correctly on older devices (y would always equal to x).

Once I removed "Required device capabilities" from my "Info.plist" the issue had gone away.

However, it appears that when I actually Archive my app for distribution, the issue is still there! How can this be explained? What else can I check?

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Solution 2

The solution was rightly pointed out by @sch. Here are the exact steps:

  • Go to "Build Settings"

  • Scroll down to "Apple LLVM compiler 3.0 - Language"

  • Find "Other C Flags", select "Release" row

  • Double-click on the cell in the second column from the right

  • Click on "+" and write "-mno-thumb"


See this answer to a previous question. In the comments, someone suggests a solution.

Disabling build for Thumb on armv6 prevents these kinds of errors.

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