
I am trying to write an update command that joins 2 tables using an SqlDataSource. I have it working with 1 table, but when I put my INNER JOIN syntax in I get thrown an error. It says "My syntax is wrong. Check MySql manual for correct syntax"

Here is my Code from my ASPX page.:

    <asp:SqlDataSource ID="AdminSalesmanDetailDS" runat="server" 
        ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:intelliairConnectionString %>" 
        ProviderName="<%$ ConnectionStrings:intelliairConnectionString.ProviderName %>" 
        UpdateCommand="UPDATE individual SET
          FarmName = @FarmName,
          FirstName = @FirstName, 
          MiddleName = @MiddleName,
          Address1 = @Address1,
          City = @City
          INNER JOIN address a ON i.IndividualID = a.IndividualID,
         WHERE IndividualID=@IndividualID">
            <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="gvSalesman" Name="oIndividualID" 
                PropertyName="SelectedValue" Type="Int32" />
          <asp:ControlParameter Name="FarmName" ControlId="fvAdminSalesmanDetail$CompanyTextBox" PropertyName="Text"/>
          <asp:ControlParameter Name="FirstName" ControlId="fvAdminSalesmanDetail$FirstNameTextBox" PropertyName="Text"/>
          <asp:ControlParameter Name="MiddleName" ControlId="fvAdminSalesmanDetail$MiddleNameTextBox" PropertyName="Text"/>
          <asp:ControlParameter Name="Address1" ControlId="fvAdminSalesmanDetail$Address1TextBox" PropertyName="Text"/>
          <asp:ControlParameter Name="City" ControlId="fvAdminSalesmanDetail$cityTextBox" PropertyName="Text"/>



I have it working with 2 tables now. However it updates every Individual in the Table. For example: I am trying to update 1 person and I change the first name to Mark. When I click update , it changes everyone in the Database First Name to Mark.

Here is my new Code from my ASPX page.:

    <asp:SqlDataSource ID="AdminSalesmanDetailDS" runat="server" 
        ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:intelliairConnectionString %>" 
        ProviderName="<%$ ConnectionStrings:intelliairConnectionString.ProviderName %>" 
     UpdateCommand="UPDATE individual i
         inner join address a
         on a.individualID =  i.individualID 
        i.FarmName = @FarmName,
        i.FirstName = @FirstName,
        i.LastName = @LastName,
        i.MiddleName = @MiddleName,
        i.Phone = @Phone, 
        i.PhoneExtention = @PhoneExtention,
        i.MobilPhone = @MobilPhone,
        i.Fax = @Fax, 
        i.Email = @Email,
        a.Address1 = @Address1,
        a.Address2 = @Address2,
        a.City = @City,
        a.State = @State,
        a.Zip = @Zip,
        a.Country = @Country
        i.IndividualID = i.IndividualID">
            <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="gvSalesman" Name="oIndividualID" 
                PropertyName="SelectedValue" Type="Int32" />
          <asp:ControlParameter Name="FarmName" ControlId="fvAdminSalesmanDetail$CompanyTextBox" PropertyName="Text"/>
          <asp:ControlParameter Name="FirstName" ControlId="fvAdminSalesmanDetail$FirstNameTextBox" PropertyName="Text"/>
          <asp:ControlParameter Name="MiddleName" ControlId="fvAdminSalesmanDetail$MiddleNameTextBox" PropertyName="Text"/>
          <asp:ControlParameter Name="Address1" ControlId="fvAdminSalesmanDetail$Address1TextBox" PropertyName="Text"/>
          <asp:ControlParameter Name="City" ControlId="fvAdminSalesmanDetail$cityTextBox" PropertyName="Text"/>

Was it helpful?


You have your JOIN after the SET, and you're not being specific about which table each field is referencing. I think, to use JOIN in an UPDATE, you need syntax more like this:

UpdateCommand=" UPDATE 
                    individual i
                INNER JOIN 
                    address a 
                        ON i.IndividualID = a.IndividualID 
                    i.FarmName = @FarmName, 
                    i.FirstName = @FirstName,  
                    i.MiddleName = @MiddleName, 
                    a.Address1 = @Address1, 
                    a.City = @City 
                    i.IndividualID=@IndividualID" >

Edit: Based on the update to your question, it looks like you have (in your WHERE clause)


This is what's causing all your records to be updated (because that statement is always true). As in my above example, you need to have


This way only the row(s) whose ID matches your parameter gets updated (presumably just one).

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