
When an array is declared as unsigned char and initialized with values in the range 0x00-0xff and printed using cout, I get garbage values as follows

+   (   �           
~   �   �   �   
    �       O   
    �   �   <   

May I know how to use use single byte for the numbers and yet be able to use cout ?

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Because it's an unsigned char, std::cout is passing them to the terminal and it's being displayed as a character set (Well, attempting, anyway - the values are outside the range of valid printable characters for the character set you're using).

Cast to unsigned int when outputting with cout.


Char types are displayed as characters by default. If you want them displayed as integers, you will have to convert them first:

unsigned char value = 42;
std::cout << static_cast<unsigned int>(value);

Those aren't garbage values. Those are what the character represents. To print it as an int, simply cast to unsigned int at output time:

cout << (unsigned int) some_char;
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