
I want to create a button with the stock "Remove" icon on it, but without the text "Remove". If I use Button button = new Button(Stock.Remove);, I get the opposite: just the text, and no icon. I will have many of these buttons, and the text makes it look cluttered. How do I get just the icon?

Note: these are regular buttons, not toolbar buttons.

Edit: This is how it currently looks:


I want to replace these buttons with small, unobtrusive, icon-only buttons.

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First create a stock Gtk.Image, and then create your Gtk.Button, passing the image as its argument.

Image image = new Image(Stock.Remove, IconSize.Button);
Button button = new Button(image);


See the list of GTK+ stock images. Then just use one of those identifiers in your call to create the button, there is absolutely no need to manually create an Image yourself:

Button remove = Button.NewFromStock(Stock.Remove);

I consider this way cleaner than having to "know" and deal with the proper image size hint.

UPDATE: At the time of writing, the Mono link doesn't actually work. Here is the list of stock items and the gtk_button_new_from_stock() function description, from the core GTK+ C documentation. The GTK# wrapping done in Mono seems to follow the original pretty closely.

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