
Where I can find current example of configuration and using Distel with Emacs 23 (on Mac Snow Leaoprd). I have problem with debugging (interpret mode), I cant mark brakepoint.

If anyone have working configuration of distel on emacs 23, please share with me.

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one problem with using the debugger in distel is that I always need to ensure distel is loaded before setting one.

load a file, put io:format("",[]), then press M-. to navigate to io.erl, that makes sure distel is loaded

now make sure the file is intepreted, C-c, C-d, i, the minibuffer will show

now C-SPACE your line, the mark should appear


try this steps:

C-c C-d g


C-c C-d i
C-c C-d m
C-x 4 0
C-c C-d m

Or in other order, but you should kill monitor buffer, until get not empty buffer with line like this:

PID          Initial Call          Status    Info

After try mark line for breakpoint

I've started with the same version of Emacs. I had a similar problem. Here's what worked for me:

1 In .emacs file I specify the name of the node with which the erlang shell is executed in Emacs

(setq inferior-erlang-machine-options '("-sname" "emacs"))

2 In Emacs in Erlang mode (just open an erl file):

2.1 I set the node name for Distel C-c C-d n

2.2 Load the Distel to the node with C-c C-d g

After this I am able to set the breakpoint.

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