
add to cart not working in mozila firefox but it is working in internet exploral,Netscape, can i solve this problem. site url is::

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I answered this question yesterday:

Get rid of the return false; in the <form>'s onsubmit attribute. If you just delete that in Firebug, you'll see the button works.

Your handleAddToCart( ) function should return a boolean - false if you don't want the submit button to work, true otherwise. Hardwiring in a return false to the onsubmit event means that whatever happens in the handleAddToCart() function, the form won't submit.

I don't know why it would work in other browsers.

It's this bit:

<form onsubmit="handleAddToCart( );return false;"
      class="addtocart_form" id="addtocart50_1" name="addtocart"
      method="post" action="">

You need to delete the return false;

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