
I really like vim's fuzzyfinder plugin, but I often find myself wanting to open more than one file at a time (eg. every file that ends in ".py" within a directory). I can't see a way to do this in the docs, but is anyone aware of a way to do this?

Alternately, are there any other "fuzzy" file opening plugins with a comparable feature set that have this ability?

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ctrlp.vim is an alternative fuzzy file finder that fully supports marking and opening those marked files.

Use CTRL-Z to mark/unmark files and CTRL-O to open marked files.


You don't need a plug-in to do this.

:args *.py

See :help :args_f for more information.

See the explanation here -->

vim `find include src -name \*.[ch] -mtime -3 -print | xargs`

Fuzzy finder(fzf.vim) has it too, ctrl-t in fzf_action for example:

Dunno yet why it doesn't work for the Ag/Rg options though.

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