
On my server with: MariaDB 10.4 PHP 7.4 Elasticsearch 7.9.1 Elasticsuite 2.10.0

I am trying to relaunch the full reindex for Magento2 but I have seen that catalog_category_product is very slow, its reindex time is 16 minutes (On my online server it is only 2 minutes). When the reindex arrives on catalogsearch_fulltext the system is even slower and seems to never end.

The question is: How can I increase the speed of the reindex? Do I need to increase some PHP or MySQL values or is the problem due to Elasticsearch?

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Reindexing on MariaDB 10.4 takes more time compared to other MariaDB or MySQL versions. As a workaround, we suggest modifying the default MariaDB configuration and setting the following parameters:


optimizer_use_condition_selectivity = 1

Also, please refer this link for indexer optimization:

I hope it helps.

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