
I am using egmaps extensions with Yii application it is a very brilliant application. how ever I am having trouble populating database. my database table hotel has two attributes for long and lat. I am not expert in AJAX but i think that ajax is calling controler method. At present I donot have anything in controler method because I donot know what data will come and how?

my code so far is BUT I THINK THIS AJAX IS NOT CALLING THE CONTROLLER SaveCoordinates action

 $gMap->zoom = 6;
            $mapTypeControlOptions = array(
              'position' => EGMapControlPosition::RIGHT_TOP,

            $gMap->mapTypeId = EGMap::TYPE_ROADMAP;
            $gMap->mapTypeControlOptions = $mapTypeControlOptions;

            // Preparing InfoWindow with information about our marker.
            $info_window_a = new EGMapInfoWindow("<div class='gmaps-label' style='color: #000;'>Hi! I'm your marker!</div>");

            // Setting up an icon for marker.
            $icon = new EGMapMarkerImage("");

            $icon->setSize(32, 37);
            $icon->setAnchor(16, 16.5);
            $icon->setOrigin(0, 0);

            // Saving coordinates after user dragged our marker.
            $dragevent = new EGMapEvent('dragend', 'function (event) { $.ajax({
                                                        data:({lat:, lng: event.latLng.lng()}),

                                                    });}', false, EGMapEvent::TYPE_EVENT_DEFAULT);
            // If we have already created marker - show it
                $marker = new EGMapMarker($model->lat, $model->long, array('title' => Yii::t('catalog', $model->name),
                        'icon'=>$icon, 'draggable'=>true), 'marker', array('dragevent'=>$dragevent));
                $gMap->setCenter($model->lat, $model->long);
                $gMap->zoom = 16;
                // Setting up new event for user click on map, so marker will be created on place and respectful event added.
                $gMap->addEvent(new EGMapEvent('click',
                        'function (event) {var marker = new google.maps.Marker({position: event.latLng, map: '.$gMap->getJsName().
                        ', draggable: true, icon: '.$icon->toJs().'}); '.$gMap->getJsName().
                        '.setCenter(event.latLng); var dragevent = '.$dragevent->toJs('marker').
                        '; $.ajax({'.
                          '"data":({"lat":, "lng": event.latLng.lng()}),'.
                        '}); }', false, EGMapEvent::TYPE_EVENT_DEFAULT_ONCE));
            $gMap->renderMap(array(), Yii::app()->language);
Was it helpful?

Solution 2

Solved in case other may get stuck I solved it by changing POST to GET and URL Line

url:"'.$this->createUrl('hotel/savecoords').'/'.$model->id.'", '


url':'".$this->createUrl('hotel/savecoords', array('id'=>$model->id))."',`

and controller code is

 public function actionSaveCoords($id)

        // Uncomment the following line if AJAX validation is needed
        // $this->performAjaxValidation($model);
            if(isset ($_GET['lat']))
                $model->lat = $_GET['lat'];
            if(isset ($_GET['lat']))
                $model->long = $_GET['lng'];
                    echo 'Thank you for registring your place with '.Yii::app()->name;  


I used POST, and it works. Maybe in your Model's rules params are not specified?

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