
I use continuum 1.2.3 to build maven projects. On a fresh continuum installation, I added a pom by upload. I try to build, and get the following error:

Exception while executing SCM command.

My SCM URL looks like this: (replaced domain name)

Any idea what went wrong?


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I'm guessing the SCM provider couldn't find your credentials so failed. If you run the build with -X switch it should give more details of the failure reason.

Update: from the format for CVS SCM URLs, the expected format for pserver is:


If you have a : in the path, you should use | as a separator, perhaps on Continuum there is some other processing interfering and using | will resolve it, e.g.


Assuming that is the cause, you don't want to include your SCM credentials in published files. You can configure Maven to use settings for many of the providers. See this answer for more details.

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