
I need some smalltalk with GUI for my homework, and I'm running Mac OS X Lion (10.7).

I've seen that unix users usually use GNU Smalltalk and GTK+.

I've tried to install them from different versions of sources and all of them give some errors.

Then I've used MacPorts, but that installation breaks GTK+ bindings for gst.

Finally I've tried to install it using fing package manager (because GNU states that I should install everything nice) but there is no smalltalk package for 10.7 OS (though there is for previous ones).

Is there some way to use smalltalk under Mac OS Lion, or should I for example run Ubuntu on virtual machine?

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You could also try Pharo, which is a fork of Squeak.



Have you looked at Squeak? Its an open source version of Smalltalk which is really fun to use and is supported on most platforms.


You will need a specific SqueakVM for the Mac:

Let me know if you have any further questions...

Squeak or Pharo are real Smalltalks (unlike GNU). This means they have a Smalltalk specific IDE. IDEs were invented by the creators of Smalltalk, so whatever you think you know about IDEs, you probably don't.

My video series, Squeak from the very start, shows how to download the latest Squeak Smalltalk and get started with it. Pharo isn't any harder to install either.

You can also give the Personal Use version of VisualWorks a spin:

I'm assuming you'll get a 7.8(.1?) version there. The OSX skin is pretty dated. I promise it's getting better. Look for 7.9 soon now.

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