How do I upload a HTML form with a username, password, multiple file uploads and then process it with PHP?


  •  02-07-2019
  •  | 


How to post a username, password and multiple binary files from a single html form and process it using php? I'm not allowed to use ajax.

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first off check out these pages on

  1. file upload info
  2. move_uploaded_file

But to get you started here's a couple stub files.


    <form action="processStuff.php" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="POST">
        username: <input type="text" name="username" />
        password: <input type="password" name="password" />

            <input type="file" name="uploadFile[]" /><br />
            <input type="file" name="uploadFile[]" /><br />
            <input type="file" name="uploadFile[]" /><br />
            <!-- Add as many of these as you want -->

            <input type="submit" />



    echo '<h2>Username & password</h2>'
    echo "Username: {$_POST['username']}\nPassword: {$_POST['password']}";
    echo '<hr />';

    echo '<h2>Uploaded files</h2>'  
    foreach($_FILES['uploadFile']['tmp_name'] as $i => $tempUploadPath) {
        if (empty($tempUploadPath)) {
            // this <input type="file" /> was "blank"... no file selected
        } else {
            // a file was uploaded
            echo '<strong>A file named "', $_FILES['uploadFile']['name'][$i], "\" was uploaded</strong>\n";
            echo "\ttemporarily stored at: ", $tempUploadPath, "\n";            
            echo "\tmime type: ", $_FILES['uploadFile']['type'][$i], "\n";
            echo "\tsize: ", $_FILES['uploadFile']['size'][$i], " bytes\n";         
            echo "\terror code", 
                    ? '<em>no errror</em>' 
                    : $_FILES['uploadFile']['size'][$i])), 

    // do something useful with the uploaded file 
        // access it via $tempUploadPath and use move_uploaded_file() to move 
        //     it out of the temp path before you manipulate it in any way!!!!!
        // see
        // and


The HTML file shows how to set the enctype of the <form> & the second form show you how to access the submitted username & password & finally how to loop thru every uploaded file.

As noted you MUST move the file(s) ASAP. They're uploaded to a temp location and the system will delete them unless you deal with them. So move 'em somewhere first then do whatever you need w/ them.

Hoep this helps



You should use the $_FILES superglobal and move_uploaded_file() function to see which files were uploaded successfully and move them to their final location in case they were.

The $_POST superglobal will contain the submitted username and password.

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