
args =[]
csstidy_opts = {
for key value in csstidy_opts.item():

i want to output the string as follow:

"--allow_html_in_templates=false --compress_colors=false..."

if i add the condition, how to do:

if the value is false,the key and value would not output in the string(just only output the ture key and the others)

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Here's how I would do it:

" ".join("%s=%s" % (k, v) for k, v in csstidy_opts.iteritems() if v is not False)

Not sure what exactly you mean about only outputting the "ture key", but this won't output things that are set to False in your input dictionary.


If you need to put the arguments into args, you can do something pretty similar:

args = ["%s=%s" % (k, v) for k, v in csstidy_opts.iteritems() if v is not False]


You could do something like this:

csstidy_opts = {

a = ""
for key,value in csstidy_opts.iteritems():    
    if value != False:
        a+=key+'='+str(value)+' '
 print a

output is


also note false need to be False

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