
I'm attempting to create various extension method for a generic type bound to specific generic type parameters in F#, but the language does not seem to be allowing me:

What I want to do is something like the following:

type IEnumerable<int> with
    member =

Yet it gives me the compiler error (underlining the int keyword):

Unexpected identifier in type name. Expected infix operator, quote symbol or other token.

The following does work, though it does not specifically bind the generic type parameter to int, as I want:

type IEnumerable<'a> with
    member =

Is there any way to accomplish this aim in F# - am I perhaps just using the wrong syntax? If not, I would appreciate if someone could suggest a workaround, perhaps using type constraints somewhere.

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This isn't possible in the current version of F#, unfortunately. See related question here.


Generic extension methods are now available in F# 3.1:

open System.Runtime.CompilerServices
open System.Collections.Generic

type Utils () =
    static member inline Abc(obj: IEnumerable<int>) = obj.ToString()

printfn "%A" ([1..10].Abc())

Well, you can use constraints - but not with sealed types like int.

type IEnumerable<'a when 'a :> InheritableType> =
member this.Blah =


In order to help others looking for similar solutions, here is an example showing how to use generic extension methods with type constraints. In the example below, there is a type constraint requiring that the type argument passed exposes a default constructor. This is done using the [<CLIMutable>] attribute applied to the Order record. Also, I'm constraing the result of the method to the type passed.

In order to use the extension method you have to specify the type you want to use. Note that I'm also extending a generic dictionary interface.

type ExtensionMethds () = 

    static member inline toObject<'T when 'T: (new: unit -> 'T)> (dic: IDictionary<string,obj>): 'T =
        let instance = new 'T()
        // todo: set properties via reflection using the dictionary passed in

type Order = {id: int}

let usage = 
    let dictionaryWithDataFromDb = dict ["id","1" :> obj] 
    let theOrder = dictionaryWithDataFromDb.toObject<Order>()
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