
I have a website page where most of the visitor will spend their time on. The site uses PHP with Codeigniter and jQuery.

Problem: However, I believe tracking systems like Piwik calculate the time spent on a page by subtracting the time the visitor leaves that page to a new page from the time he loads the page.

Is there a way around this? Maybe use javascript to trigger the tracking system so it knows that the visitor is leaving the page?

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Edit: I added some "salting" to the $id, I don't know.. I get the feeling that it's even more unique, even though I think it's a bit unlikely that there will be similar IDs due to the use of micro seconds but just to be extra sure

Something like this
JQuery: Ajax request to StayAlive.php every 10 seconds

function pingPing(){
        success: function() 
            setTimeout(pingPing, 10000);

PHP: StayAlive.php

function newUser(){
  setcookie("id", $id, time()+3600*24*365);
  //create new row in the database for that $id

if (isset($_COOKIE["id"])){
  //check if the id is in the database
  //if yes => time_spent+=10
  //if no => newUser();


You can use the following to send an Ajax request to a page when the user leaves the page (they don't necessarily have to load a new one).

$(window).unload( function () {
    type: "POST",
    url: "yourpage.php",
    data: {
        command: "disconnect"
    dataType: "json",
    async: false,
    success: function(data) {}

You can create a javascript which generates a timestamp of the user when they load the page, and pass it to a .php page when they leave. Calculate the difference in the timestamps to work out how long they spent on the page.

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