
I'm helping a friend learn Haskell and he recently created code like this, which type checks and produces a CPU-burning loop at runtime. I'm completely baffled by this.

import Control.Monad
import Control.Applicative

main = forever putStrLn "Hello, infinity"

That shouldn't type check, but does. The correct version would clearly be:

main = forever $ putStrLn "Hello, infinity"

What's weird and surprising to me is that you get different results with and without importing Control.Applicative. Without importing it, it doesn't type check:

Prelude Control.Monad> forever putStrLn "Hello, infinity"

    No instance for (Monad ((->) String))
      arising from a use of `forever'
    Possible fix: add an instance declaration for (Monad ((->) String))
    In the expression: forever putStrLn "Hello, infinity"
    In an equation for `it': it = forever putStrLn "Hello, infinity"

I don't see a Monad instance for ((->) String in the source for Control.Applicative, so I'm guessing something weird is happening due to its use of Control.Category or Control.Arrow, but I don't know. So I guess I have two questions:

  1. What is it about importing Control.Applicative that lets this happen?
  2. What's happening when it enters the infinite loop? What is Haskell actually trying to execute in that case?


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There isn't an instance for (->) String, but there is an instance for (->) e... and that instance is very, very useful in many situations. For the second question, we must take a look at forever and the class instance for functions:

instance Monad ((->) e) where
    return x = \e -> x
    m >>= f  = \e -> f (m e) e

forever m = m >> forever m = m >>= \_ -> forever m

Now, what does forever putStrLn do?

forever putStrLn
    = putStrLn >>= \_ -> forever putStrLn
    = \e -> (\_ -> forever putStrLn) (putStrLn e) e
    = \e -> (forever putStrLn) e
    = forever putStrLn's just a pure infinite loop, basically identical to loop = loop.

To get some intuition for what's going on with the reader monad (as it is known), take a look at the documentation, the All About Monads section on Reader, and there are some hints sprinkled throughout the Typeclassopedia which might help.


Control.Applicative imports Control.Monad.Instances, and therefore re-exports the instances from Control.Monad.Instances. This includes Functor and Monad instances for ((->) r).

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