
I have a JSON feed data with lots of user relation in it such as:

"subject_id = 1, object_id = 2, object = added 
subject_id = 1, object_id = 2, object = liked
subject_id = 1, object_id = 3, object = added
subject_id = 2, object_id = 1, object = added"

Now I've used following code to convert JSON to networkx Graph:

def load(fname):
G = nx.DiGraph()
d = simplejson.load(open(fname))
for item in d:
    for attribute, value in item.iteritems():
return G

And the result is something like:

[('12820', '80842'), ('12820', '81312'), ('12820', '81311'), ('13317', '29'), ('12144', '81169'), ('13140', '16687'), ('13140', '79092'), ('13140', '78384'), ('13140', '48715'), ('13140', '54151'), ('13140', '13718'), ('13140', '4060'), ('13140', '9914'), ('13140', '32877'), ('13140', '9918'), ('13140', '4740'), ('13140', '47847'), ('13140', '29632'), ('13140', '72395'), ('13140', '48658'), ('13140', '78394'), ('13140', '4324'), ('13140', '4776'), ('13140', '78209'), ('13140', '51624'), ('13140', '66274'), ('13140', '38009'), ('13140', '80606'), ('13140', '13762'), ('13140', '28402'), ('13140', '13720'), ('13140', '9922'), ('13303', '81199'), ('13130', '70835'), ('13130', '7936'), ('13130', '30839'), ('13130', '11558'), ('13130', '32157'), ('13130', '2785'), ('13130', '9914'), ('13130', '73597'), ('13130', '9918'), ('13130', '49879'), ('13130', '62303'), ('13130', '64275'), ('13130', '48123'), ('13130', '8722'), ('13130', '43303'), ('13130', '39316'), ('13130', '78368'), ('13130', '28328'), ('13130', '57386'), ('13130', '30739'), ('13130', '9922'), ('13130', '71464'), ('13130', '50296'), ('12032', '65338'), ('13351', '81316'), ('13351', '16926'), ('13351', '80435'), ('13351', '79086'), ('12107', '16811'), ('12107', '70310'), ('12107', '10008'), ('12107', '25466'), ('12107', '36625'), ('12107', '81320'), ('12107', '48912'), ('12107', '62209'), ('12816', '79526'), ('12816', '79189'), ('13180', '39769'), ('13180', '81319'), ('12293', '70918'), ('12293', '59403'), ('12293', '76348'), ('12293', '12253'), ('12293', '65078'), ('12293', '61126'), ('12293', '12243'), ('12293', '12676'), ('12293', '11693'), ('12293', '78387'), ('12293', '54788'), ('12293', '26113'), ('12293', '50472'), ('12293', '50365'), ('12293', '66431'), ('12293', '29781'), ('12293', '50435'), ('12293', '48145'), ('12293', '79170'), ('12293', '76730'), ('12293', '13260'), ('12673', '29'), ('12672', '29'), ('13559', '9327'), ('12583', '25462'), ('12252', '50754'), ('12252', '11778'), ('12252', '38306'), ('12252', '48170'), ('12252', '5488'), ('12325', '78635'), ('12325', '4459'), ('12325', '68699'), ('12559', '80285'), ('12559', '78273'), ('12020', '48291'), ('12020', '4498'), ('12746', '48916'), ('13463', '56785'), ('13463', '47821'), ('13461', '80790'), ('13461', '4425'), ('12550', '48353')]

What I want to do is I want to increase weight if there are more than 1 relation between these users. So, as I demonstrated in JSON relation, subject_id 1 has 3 relations with subject_id 2 therefore their weight should be 3 whereas user 3 has only 1 relation with subject_id 1 and so it should be 1 as weight.


I suppose I've solved my problem with using:

def load(fname):
G = nx.MultiDiGraph()
d = simplejson.load(open(fname))
for item in d:
    for attribute, value in item.iteritems():
        if (value['subject_id'], value['object_id']) in G.edges():
            data = G.get_edge_data(value['subject_id'], value['object_id'], key='edge')
            G.add_edge(value['subject_id'], value['object_id'], key='edge', weight=data['weight']+1)
            G.add_edge(value['subject_id'], value['object_id'], key='edge', weight=1)

print G.edges(data=True)

But still your help would be nice about improving.

Was it helpful?


You can simply use the weight attribute store your weights. You can check if an edge exists with has_edge method. Combining these would give you:

def load(fname):
    G = nx.DiGraph()
    d = simplejson.load(open(fname))
    for item in d:
        for attribute, value in item.iteritems():
            subject_id, object_id = value['subject_id'], value['object_id']
            if G.has_edge(subject_id, object_id):
                # we added this one before, just increase the weight by one
                G[subject_id][object_id]['weight'] += 1
                # new edge. add with weight=1
                G.add_edge(subject_id, object_id, weight=1)
    return G
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