
Does anyone know how to increase legend font-size in octave?

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This worked for me (kubuntu 9.04, octave 3.2.2)

print("plot.eps","-deps", "-F:30")

This forces all text elements in figure to be printed with font size 30. See also octave function: print.


Based on another Posting on Stackoverflow I found the following solution.

copied_legend = findobj(gcf(),"type","axes","Tag","legend");
set(copied_legend, "FontSize", FontSize);

GNU Octave, version 3.6.3

Matlab: How to obtain all the axes handles in a figure handle?

Try the following:

'{\fontsize{12} legend1-text}'

Where you have to include it for every legend text. My command, that actually worked, was:

legend('{\fontsize{10} Low }', '{\fontsize{10} Medium }', '{\fontsize{10} High }')

Not sure if this was a solution when the OP was submitted, but this is pretty easy now:

    h = legend({"foo","bar"});      
    set (h, "fontsize", 16);

Get axis object handle and set 'fontsize' property (octave 3.2.4):

ax = gca();
set(ax, 'fontsize', 15);
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