
I don't understand this paradigm I guess? For a small single server or development environment... I hate having to load 100's of thousands of records just to analyze it in a graph... am I missing the big picture here?

UPDATE (3/21/2012 10:38a):
My current setup:

  • Default Install
  • Default Configs
  • Server Setup
  • Creating nodes via REST API
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How do you instantiate your database, embedded or server? Are you running ImpermanentGraphDatabase, because that's the in-memory test database. If you use the normal EmbeddedGraphDatabase your graph is persisted trasactionally along the way when you insert your data.

Please give a little more information.


If using Java embedded transactions must be closed when saving objects or they might get lost. In earlier versions this was done by calling finally { tx.finish(); }, later versions (2.1+) it should happen automatically when instantiated within the try-with-resource. (This makes it possible to run into problems if the Transaction tx is instantiated outside the try clause).

GraphDatabaseService graphDb =  new GraphDatabaseFactory().newEmbeddedDatabase(DB_PATH);
try (Transaction tx = graphDb.beginTx()) {
  // create some nodes here
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