
Suppose I need to construct a tuple of length three:

(x , y, z)

And I have a function which returns a tuple of length two - exampleFunction and the last two elements of the tuple to be constructed are from this tuple.

How can I do this without having to call the exampleFunction two times:

(x, fst exampleFunction , snd exampleFunction)

I just want to do / achieve something like

(x, exampleFunction)

but it complains that the tuples have unmatched length ( of course )

Not looking at doing let y,z = exampleFunction()

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There may be a built in function, but a custom one would work just as well.

let repack (a,(b,c)) = (a,b,c)
repack (x,exampleFunction)


I'm not sure it if worth a separate answer, but both answers provided above are not optimal since both construct redundant Tuple<'a, Tuple<'b, 'c>> upon invocation of the helper function. I would say a custom operator would be better for both readability and performance:

let inline ( +@ ) a (b,c) = a, b, c
let result = x +@ yz // result is ('x, 'y, 'z)

The problem you have is that the function return a*b so the return type becomes 'a*('b*'c) which is different to 'a*'b*'c the best solution is a small helper function like

let inline flatten (a,(b,c)) = a,b,c

then you can do

(x,examplefunction) |> flatten

I have the following function in my common extension file. You may find this useful.

   let inline squash12 ((a,(b,c)  ):('a*('b*'c)   )):('a*'b*'c   ) = (a,b,c  )
   let inline squash21 (((a,b),c  ):(('a*'b)*'c   )):('a*'b*'c   ) = (a,b,c  )
   let inline squash13 ((a,(b,c,d)):('a*('b*'c*'d))):('a*'b*'c*'d) = (a,b,c,d)

   let seqsquash12 (sa:seq<'a*('b*'c)   >) = sa |> squash12
   let seqsquash21 (sa:seq<('a*'b)*'c   >) = sa |> squash21
   let seqsquash13 (sa:seq<'a*('b*'c*'d)>) = sa |> squash13

   let arrsquash12 (sa:('a*('b*'c)   ) array) = sa |> squash12
   let arrsquash21 (sa:(('a*'b)*'c   ) array) = sa |> squash21
   let arrsquash13 (sa:('a*('b*'c*'d)) array) = sa |> squash13
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