
I define HttpClient in 2 different ways: 1. Plain vanilla: client = new DefaultHttpClient(); 2. Thread safe:

DefaultHttpClient getThreadSafeHttpClient() {
    HttpParams params = new BasicHttpParams();
                    "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 1.1; en-us;dream) AppleWebKit/525.10+ (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.0.4 Mobile Safari/523.12.2");
    HttpProtocolParams.setVersion(params, HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1);
    HttpProtocolParams.setContentCharset(params, "UTF-8");
    final SchemeRegistry registry = new SchemeRegistry();
    registry.register(new Scheme("http", PlainSocketFactory.getSocketFactory(), 80));
    registry.register(new Scheme("https", PlainSocketFactory.getSocketFactory(), 443));
    final ThreadSafeClientConnManager manager = new ThreadSafeClientConnManager(params,
    return new DefaultHttpClient(manager, params);

Then I run same JUnit test for both client types (simple GET request). #1 always runs fine, #2 always fails with " Connection reset". Debug/stacktrace output can be seen here (fictitious site)

I never get a chance to do anything with entity object since error is thrown at client#execute call. What's I'm doing wrong here?

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Aha! The reason was in defining HTTPS with wrong socket factory. It should be SSLSocketFactory

SSLSocketFactory sslSocketFactory = SSLSocketFactory.getSocketFactory();
registry.register(new Scheme("https", sslSocketFactory, 443));
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