
I'm writing an App and an accopmanying widget that needs data. This data is downloaded over the net. I'm planning to use a IntentService to do the downloading. This service will save the data as a file. This file is then used by both the App and widget.

How can I prevent the app and widget from reading the file while the service is writing to it?

And how can i prevent the service to write to the file while the app or the widget is reading the file?


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Consider extending Application and declaring a field for reading and writing permission:

public class APP extends Application {
    boolean motherMayI;


Then whenever you open a FileInputStream or a FileOutputStream,

if (motherMayI) {
    APP.motherMayI = false;
    FileInputStream input = context.openFileInput("some_file_name");

    //read your stuff

    APP.motherMayI = true;

Essentially, the field motherMayI must be true for someone to read or write the file, and its only false while its being read or written.


public FileInputStream getFileInputStream() {
    return context.openFileInput(file_name);

This would require an instance of APP.

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