
I'm writing a compiler in Python, and I made a hand-written lexer, because I can't figure out how to parse indentation in PLY. Also, my lexer uses some yield statements like so:

def scan():
    for i in tokens:
        if i[0]: yield Token(self.line, i[0] if i[0] in keywords else "ident", i[0])
            elif i[1]:
                 if "e" in i[1]:
                     base, exp = i[1].split("e")
                     val = float(base) * 10 ** int(exp)
                 else: val = float(i[1])
                 yield Token(self.line, "float", val)
        ... other cases ...

However, I realized that the PLY parser requires a token method, so I made one that looks like this:

def token(self):
    return next(self.scan())

The actual scanning using scan() takes an average of 124 ms, according to my tests, but when I use the PLY parser, the parsing doesn't start after a few minutes. It appears that my token() method has a problem.

Also, I tried to rename the scan() method so that it could become the interface. Python returns something like

AttributeError: 'generator' object has no attribute 'type'

So it appears that PLY needs a method that will return a single token at a time.

Is there any way to rewrite the token() method so that it would return the next iteration of scan() and not be that slow?

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You need to save your generator somewhere, like:

def start(...):
   self.lexer = self.scan()

def token(...):
    return next(self.lexer)

Disclaimer: I don't know anything about PLY.

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