
I have a generic list.

Some elements of this list belong to a parent element. I retrieved all these elements from a database and i want to recursively build a tree with them.

So, here's what i'm thinking:

Here is my predicate:

public static bool FindChildren(Int32 parentId,CategoryMapping catMapping)
    if (catMapping.parentId == parentId)
        return true;
        return false;

root = list[0];
root.childrenElements = root.FindAll(FindChildren(,???)

I can't figure out how this would work. How can i do this kind of predicate?

PS: I'm using VS2005 :(

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root.childrenElements = 
       .Where( i => i.parentId == yourCatMapping.parentId)


In .net 2.0 I think it is

    delegate(CategoryMapping mapping)
             return mapping.parentId == root.Id;


You need to specify a delegate to pass to FindAll, rather than a direct function call

(assuming root is List<CategoryMapping>)

root.childrenElements = root.FindAll(c => FindChildren(, c));

You should check out this thread that I started on Forming good predicate delegates to Find() or FindAll() in a List for C# / .NET 2.0

It answers your question pretty clearly.

Gregoire's answer is the best, because it:

  1. Doesn't use LINQ (the asker is using VS 2005)
  2. Doesn't use a lambda expression (again, VS 2005)

That said, why not make things (slightly) easier for yourself by writing a function to generate your Predicate for you:

public static Predicate<CategoryMapping> GetIsChildOf(int parentId) {
    return delegate(CategoryMapping cm) {
        return cm.parentId == parentId;

Then if you have a List<CategoryMapping> and you want to find all elements with a certain parentId property, you can just call:

root = list[0];
root.childrenElements = list.FindAll(GetIsChildOf(;
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