
Can iPhone applications compiled against 2.1 be successfully installed via iTunes on a 2.0 device?

I know iPhone applications compiled with 2.1 can run on a 2.0 device (assuming they're not using anything new from 2.1). But am not sure if iTunes will let the install take place.

Does anyone have concrete information on this?

I have not seen any apps on the AppStore that are 2.1+ only.

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I believe apps that are compiled against 2.1 will be marked as "Requires iPhone 2.1 Softwar Update" when viewed through iTunes. (but not when viewed from an iPhone - the iPhone's App Store app only displays a subset of an app's metadata.)

One example: Caliper (it's under "Application Description->Requirements")

I don't know if this "requirement" is actually enforced, however.



As has been mentioned apps compiled with 2.1 will be marked as requiring 2.1 in iTunes.

If you attempt to download a 2.1 app from the iPhone, or sync a 2.1 app via iTunes, you will receive a message that stated iPhone OS 2.1 is required.

Short answer, yes.

There have been some apps that dont work 100% in 2.1, but the two firmwares are pretty much backwards compatible

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