
How can i use NSSearchField for filter data that i load into program with core data ?

i want to do that from code not in interface with binding

(please give me tutorial about it)

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There is probably not a more authoritative expert (outside of Apple) on Core Data than the folks at Here's a tutorial that should help you accomplish exactly what you need.

EDIT: You can further filter the data without going back to disk by using another NSPredicate on the array. If you have a NSFetchedResultsController called myFetchController and a NSPredicate named myPredicate you can do the following.

NSArray * results = [myFecthController fetchedObjects];
NSArray * filteredResults = [results filteredArrayUsingPredicate:myPredicate];


I think what you're looking for is information on using a predicate with an NSFetchRequest.

See Apple's Documentation on predicate programming.

No? Well have you been to Apple's documentation on search fields?

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