
What is the suggested approach for setting up a subscription to a message published by a remote endpoint using Mass Transit and RabbitMQ?

In our case, most pub/sub is local, but it will be convenient for our developers to all subscribe to a shared publisher on a remote machine.

All the examples I see appear to be local:

It appears that RabbitMQ federation may be an option, but looks more complicated that we need:

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I was able to get my desired results by simply calling ReceiveFrom("rabbitmq://TheRemoteMachine/SubscriberName") for the subscriber subscribing to remote publisher and ReceiveFrom("rabbitmq://localhost/QueueName") for the other subscribers that subscribe to local publishers.

The exchanges and bindings on TheRemoteMachine were setup as I expected as well as the exchanges and bindings on localhost.


Have you updated this with Masstransit 3 by any chance? I am having the same type of difficulty since several things have changed now.

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