
I have a web setup project that creates an MSI. After first installation, my web site has some config files that can be modify manually.

When triggering that MSI again, I am offered to repair the installation, when I select to do so, the installation runs, but the config files that were modified previously are no replaced with default config files contained in the MSI.

I am looking for a way to overwrite those files when a repair is done.

EDIT: The setup project is built using a Visual Studio Web Setup project.


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Solution 2

What I finally did was to use a batch file to call my MSI. It is not great since we end up with two files for the installation. I could not find another way. I am still open to suggestion. Here is the batch file:

@echo off
msiexec /x "%1" /quiet >out.txt
if errorlevel 1 goto installNew

msiexec /i "%1" >>out.txt



Try setting the default config files each as the Key file in their own component.

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