
how to get image size from a jquery json parse? I put a each function, first download all the images to the html part then try to use width() & height() to the the image size, but I met some trouble in getting width() & height() are ahead of the image loading.

example code in

jQuery code:

    var data = '[{"image":"http:\/\/\/6269271\/a85b2995b4d80748831492be5e8a3689895a2b0e\/4.jpg"},{"image":"http:\/\/\/5953805\/d0dd841969187f47e8ad9157713949b4b95b3bda\/4.jpg"},{"image":"http:\/\/\/5735750\/0dd26cb9f53b7bbbedf1b65c0d0aac013f77466c\/4.jpg"}]';
    var obj = $.parseJSON(data);
    $.each(obj, function(index,item) {
       $('#imagewrap').append('<img class="images" src="'+item.image+'" />');         
        var width = $(this).width();
        var height = $(this).height();
        var imgsrc = $(this).attr('src');

Html code:

<div id="imagewrap"></div>
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Bind to the image load event:

$('.images').bind('load', function () {
  // do something here

Here's your fiddle updated to demonstrate:


Call the function that accesses the .width() and .height() of an image from an onload function for each image. onload will get called after the image has completed downloading.

myImage.onload = function() {
    var accurateWidth = myImage.width();
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