
Is it possible to update vim plugins automatically?

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This vim plugin seems to do what you are after, though it hasn't been updated in a while. Never used it, but the author has written a "few" vim plugins in the past.


To provide an up to date answer to this old question, Vundle works really great. It simulates the ruby bundle gem, you simply configure your Bundles in .vimrc and then run :BundleInstall! inside vim.

vim-addon-manager has the function :UpdateAddons [{name} ...] which when called with no arguments updates all installed addons.

My operating systems (Archlinux) has a bunch of packages containing vim plugins. Look into you OS for similar packages.

If the plugin versioned in git, for example, you can pathogen and put the plugin in another dir. Then to update is only a command.

I prefer a bash script. Then you can have it set as a cronjob, and you don't depend on other scripts supporting the ability to update.

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