
I'm sure you can appreciate this attempt at laziness: I would like to improve my app template script in Rails 3.2.

I do something like rails new APPNAME -m path/to/template.rb

I would like to update the script to allow me to cd into the new application so I can run bundle exec COMMAND?

For example,

if compass = yes?("Would you like to install Compass and Susy?")
gem_group :assets do
 gem 'compass-rails'
 gem 'compass-susy-plugin'

     if compass == true
      run "bundle install"
      inside "#{Rails.application.class.parent_name}" do
        run "bundle exec compass install susy"

When I run the above code I get an error like -

unexpected keyword_do_block (SyntaxError)
  /home/rhodee/GitRepos/dotfiles/workflow.rb:103: syntax error, unexpected keyword_end,   expecting $end

Thank you for enabling my lazy.

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You should be able to remove the "inside" and simply execute

run "bundle exec compass install susy"

To actually move inside a directory and do something, you could:

run "cd #{Rails.application.class.parent_name}/public; rm index.html"

(Of course you could have run the above as run "rm public/index.html" but that's not the point.)

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