
In SQL, how do update a table, setting a column to a different value for each row?

I want to update some rows in a PostgreSQL database, setting one column to a number from a sequence, where that column has a unique constraint. I hoped that I could just use:

update person set unique_number = (select nextval('number_sequence') );

but it seems that nextval is only called once, so the update uses the same number for every row, and I get a 'duplicate key violates unique constraint' error. What should I do instead?

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Don't use a subselect, rather use the nextval function directly, like this:

update person set unique_number = nextval('number_sequence');


I consider pg's sequences a hack and signs that incremental integers aren't the best way to key rows. Although pgsql didn't get native support for UUIDs until 8.3

The benefits of UUID is that the combination are nearly infinite, unlike a random number which will hit a collision one day.

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