
Looking into how to provide the icon for my custom mmc snap-ins.

Language = c#

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Solution 3

I found a way. I had to add the images to the SmallImages collection of the SnapIn.

And then each scopenode has a ImageIndex and SelectedImageIndex. All you have is to set those property to the correct index of the SmallImages Collection.


If what you want is to provide the bitmaps for your DLL in the Add/Remove dialog in MMC, You need to specify the SnapInAbout attribute, and provide a Resource DLL, and an id for the bitmap.


More complete answer here.

And also in the MMC SDK sample, there's working code.

You cannot do this in C#. You have to create a native Win32 dll. In other words: create a C++ project. This is not that scary.

Once you add a Win32 Project Visual C++, you can use the wizard to add a resource file. From there you can use the tools to add an icon, and the text descriptions.

If everything goes correct you will have a resource.h file generated in the folder "Header Files". Open that file, and you will see something like

// Microsoft Visual C++ generated include file.
// Used by ConsoleResources.rc
#define IDB_BITMAP4                     101
#define IDB_BITMAP5                     102
#define IDI_ICON2                       103
#define IDS_COMPANY                     104
#define IDS_PRODUCT_NAME                105
#define IDS_DESCRIPTION                 106

// Next default values for new objects
#define _APS_NEXT_RESOURCE_VALUE        107
#define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE         40001
#define _APS_NEXT_CONTROL_VALUE         1001
#define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE           101

These numbers 101,... are the numbers that have to correspond with the SnapInAbout attribute that you put in your C# file.

[SnapInAbout("Your.Unmanaged.dll", ApplicationBaseRelative = true, 
 VendorId = 104, DisplayNameId = 105, DescriptionId = 106, IconId = 103,
 SmallFolderBitmapId = 110, LargeFolderBitmapId = 102, 
 SmallFolderSelectedBitmapId = 101)]    
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