
When opening the ObjectieGitFramework.xcodeproj file I can now build the iOS scheme successfully. A whole lot of experimenting was required though. Lets start from the beginning – how I did that.

What I did:

First I cloned a fork of ObjectiveGit.

git clone --recurse-submodules
cd objective-git
cd ./Scripts/libgit2-make-ios/; sh ./ "./../../libgit2.a"; cd ../..


Opening the project and building now results in one error and one warning. I let Xcode automatically update the project settings to solve the warning. Errors

Now I go to the libgit2 directory and build using cmake:

$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake ..
$ cmake --build .


This result, among other things, in the libgit2.0.15.0.dylib file being created. Image of the file in finder

I drag it into the Xcode and add it to ObjectiveGit and the iOS target. Now I go to the build phases tab for ObjectiveGit-iOS and make it look like this:

enter image description here

The problem

At this moment I could build the project, and I could create classes within it successfully using the ObjectiveGit. However when I dragged the project inside another project, added ObjectiveGit-iOS as a target dependence and added libObjectiveGit-iOS.a in link binary with libraries I couldn't import ObjectiveGit/ObjectiveGit.h plus I was getting some other weird errors (see images below). I know very little about libraries in xcode so I don't know at all why this is not working.

enter image description here enter image description here

Now, this is an error I got once but not anymore. I don't know what I was doing to cause it. enter image description here



When adding this to header search path something strange happens. It result in no files not being found, but 70 other Mach-o errors instead.


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Dynamic Libraries are not supported by iOS. You have to use static libraries.

To be clear: Of course iOS supports dynamic libraries, but only these which are distributed by apple.

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