
I'm using C# to call Exchange 2010 PowerShell methods and I've just encountered a snag.

The Collection returned by the Execute method don't have a BaseObject. I can use .Properties["PropertyName"], but it seems that all those values are string values. Not very practical for file size, Guids and so on.

Reading, it seems that this is normal, and the types I have are Deserialized.Namespace.TypeName.

I'm looking for a way to serialize them back into a live object that I can use properties and so on. I have the appropriate DLL and everything.

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It seems I can get any property I want, but it needs to be in the PS script I invoke remotely.

I figured it out while querying PowerShell via direct Remote powershell, not with the Exchange namespace.

Here is an example

$spsite | Select Id, Url,
          @{ Name = "Owner"; Expression = { $_.Owner.UserLogin } }

This works perfectly, I can then use

psResult.Members["Owner"].Value as string

to get the owner


You can get the orginal object like this:

PS bit:

$results = $MyCustomCollection

C# bit:

results = pipeline.Invoke();

CustomCollection theCustumCollection
    = (CustomCollection )runspace.SessionStateProxy.GetVariable("results");

you do have to make sure that the only thing returned is that object and nothing else; so put anything that would return anything to null;

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